Anyone trying to sell products abroad finds a common barrier: how to find foreign buyers for your exports?
Entering a new market is always a challenging task, but the Internet has made it easier. With access to the right set of data, it is easier to find companies abroad that might be interested in what you have to offer.
But the problem is: how to find the right data?
The Internet also scaled the amount of data we create daily, making it harder to find the information we need. The good news is that there are some strategies and tools that can help you with that. And if you are not sure where to start, you have come to the right place!
Keep reading and check the best ways to find foreign buyers for your exports and start selling your products abroad right now!
Finding foreign buyers: what you need to know?
When looking for foreign buyers, there are some things you need to understand before making any call. First of all, you need to have an organized knowledge of your business and what you need. So before doing any research, you need to answer some important questions:
- What is the market you are trying to enter like? Every country has its own trade culture. So your research should begin with mapping out the market and understanding the buyer behavior. There are plenty of websites and forums where you can find information on your future international trading process. It is important not to neglet this step since every piece of information you gather now might make a difference in the future;
- How many possible buyers can you reach? You probably have an idea of who you ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) is. With this information you can do a quick search on the Internet to understand how many possible buyers you can reach. This will also give you a list on where to start to look for new prospects;
- Is there a demand for your product? Another thing to understand is the demand for your product. Maybe you are trying to enter a market where the demand for what you are selling is really low or maybe the competition for your product is very high. This will help you also to understand the best countries you should try to sell your product to and the effort that you will have to put on it in order to be successful.
5 places to look for foreign buyers
Now that you have more information on your hands, you can actually start looking for prospective foreign buyers. There are a few places where you can do your research. Below we will tell you the most important ones:
1. Seach on suppliers’ directories
One of the best sources for finding foreign buyers is on suppliers’ directiories , because they have thousands of sites among manufacturers, wholesalers, suppliers, and companies in the desired industry where you can learn better what is like to enter a new international market. Among the best international directories are:
- Oberlo
- Alibaba
- AliExpress
- IndiaMart
- Sourcify
2. Do an Internet search
A detailed, cataloged, and documented search on the Internet can work miracles when it comes to finding foreigh buyers. If you have answer the questions we told you above, you’ll already have a place where to start. Be prepared to surf a lot, test every possible keyword (and in several languages) to the point of getting a meaningful search.
3. Talk to other exporters
It is always important to talk to those who already have experience and expertise in the segment and the market to remove all doubts and details, besides, of course, indicating good companies that are compatible with the business planning. Reference will always be one of the safest ways to ensure the success of a commercial operation. Be sure to use the internet communication channels to your advantage when seeking these other contacts and information.
4. Industry events
A great place to create contacts, network, and gather information about the best suppliers and the best foreign markets to do business in are industry events. Look for the main events of your industry happening on you own country and on the country you want to sell to. If you have the chance to visit it, you’ll be able to really feel what the trade process there is like before making any moves.
5. Government pages
Some countries have an official page explaining for foreign suppliers how their international trading process works. You can even find a list of potential importers in some cases. Brazil, for instance, has Comex Stat, a platform where you can access general data that will contribute to the assertiveness of decisions within foreign trade, such as the largest importers of the country and what are the main products.
Read more: Key Steps For Doing Business in Brazil
Using data to find foreign buyers
Finally, now that you know how to search for foreign buyers, it is important to understand how data can help you in this process. With data at your disposal you accomplish two important things:
- Find the ideal prospect for your product;
- Make the best offer considering their particularities.
You should compare prices charged and understand how can you build your pricing strategy. Also, be sure to check each country regulations and taxes for imports, as this can have a direct impact on your bottom line.
If you trying to sell your products in Brazil, check our blog Key Steps For Doing Business in Brazil and find some exclusive tips on how to enter the Brazilian market!